Fishing is a very interesting sport. If you are in Melbourne and you are getting bored, you can always visit any of the fishing spots in Melbourne to deal that boredom a deadly blow. You can also take up fishing as a hobby or even as a profession. Melbourne is blessed with several great fishing spots and any member of the general public is welcome at these fishing spots where you can have endless fun for as long as you dare.
It is also interesting to know that you can fish in Melbourne at any time of the year. There is, therefore, no particular time of the year when you cannot go fishing in Melbourne. While you can fish at any time of the year, the best fishing months run from November to May.
In this detailed guide on fishing, we will enlighten you about some of the important things to bear in mind when going on fishing in Melbourne.
Fishing license
Every one fishing in Melbourne must have a recreational fishing license. The license will qualify you to fish and hunt without being on the wrong side of the law. However, there had been different complaints about the cost of procuring the recreational fishing license. What is more, the license has to be renewed every year, which further adds to the complaints.
Be that as it may, it must be noted that the money spent to procure the recreational fishing license will still return to the fishermen through the local communities, which makes it a win-win situation for all. About 75% of the money spent on the recreational fishing license is returned into fish and wildlife programs. The many fishes you can find in the various creeks and rivers in Melbourne equally compensate for the amount you have to spend to procure the license to the various fishing spots in Melbourne.
Bag limits
Aside from the fishing license, we will also consider the bag limit in this detailed guide on fishing. The bag limit refers to the maximum number of fishes you must catch per day in Melbourne. You must never catch more fishes after you have reached your bag limit for that day. You can also ‘high grade’ your catch by returning smaller fish you have caught earlier to the water and keep the bigger fish.
Possession limit
Furthermore, we will mention the possession limit in this detailed guide on fishing to get you properly prepared for fishing in Melbourne. Possession limit refers to the maximum number of fishes that you can be in possession of at any particular time in Melbourne and other parts of Victoria. This rule applies to various species of marine lives, including lobster, Murray spiny freshwater crayfish, yabbies, abalone, Murray Cod, and Southern bluefin tuna.
You should never waste time to measure the legal size of the fish you have caught. If the fish is under-size, you are expected to return it to the water immediately. The measurement should be from the end of the tail to the tip of the snout with the mouth closed.