It’s never really a joyous occasion when you have to go to the doctor. Obviously, a regularly scheduled check-up is a much lighter mood than when you enter the waiting room with specific conditions, but most people aren’t really jumping for joy when they have to make that appointment. There’s always something morose, regardless of the circumstances about going into a doctor’s office. It’s usually nothing to do with how pleasant or polite the staff is, but there is something deeply unpleasant about being poked, prodded and asked questions that you wished you didn’t really have to answer to a complete stranger. Some people don’t mind the examination aspect of a doctor’s visit but fear what may be uncovered from it. In a society that puts health on such a high pedestal, it’s almost impossible to ignore the various commercials for prescription drugs. For most Americans, it’s not bizarre to consider if they are having a heart attack, stroke or pulmonary embolism thanks to the constant barrage of pharmaceutical ads. This sort of culture often leads to the undesired result: people worry a whole lot, ignore symptoms but in the end don’t actually end up going to the doctor’s office, even for regularly scheduled checkups.
Regardless of these facts, regular doctor’s visits are important and it’s crucial to get a doctor’s note when it’s needed. The essential aspect to remember when you get a doctor’s note is that it’s not always the end of the world. First and foremost it’s a sign of strength. As mentioned our culture circulates around fear and many people only end up going to the doctor’s office once their fear has become greater than whatever was keeping them from going. However, the reality of the situation is that many physicians are changing their approach when it comes to treating patients. If a patient is young or able to make changes prior to the use of medication, they may be open to that approach. A doctor’s note doesn’t always have to mean a prescription. Many times a doctor’s note is simply palliative and doesn’t necessarily provide a cure to the issue. Doctor’s and other healthcare professionals are realizing that preventative healthcare may be the key. Medication can make a huge impact on a person life in a positive sense. However, lifestyle could be a huge reason why the patient needs the prescription in the first place. Often times, if the diagnosis isn’t acute or placing the patient in danger, the best doctor’s note could be a lifestyle change. There is most definitely a time and place for a prescription but with many doctors placing their focus on preventative medicine perhaps, a doctor’s note will no longer be a pill or a day from work, but rather a fitness regimen and diet recommendations. Type II Diabetes and other diseases that are primarily diet based don’t usually pop up over night. A good, questioning doctor would be able to learn about their patient and be able to suggest specific diet changes and other lifestyle alterations in their note.
So, next time you go to the doctor just remember this: A doctor’s note is a not a death sentence or sign of old age. As medicine grows so will the practices associated with it.