Everyone can use some tips to save money, and those who have just moved to their new apartment can use these simple tips that may not be obvious in their new environment.

The rent you pay now was probably the first thing you considered when you chose your apartment, and perhaps even considered it an important factor in reducing your long-term costs. It usually happens that rent becomes the first in the list of expenses in constant growth that accompanies the movement.

Every penny saved is a penny earned is a penny that can go to pay rent, utilities and all other needs, and it only requires a little to realize the facts and some reasonable thinking, imagination and control. – Excessively turn your new apartment from money into a Dr. Piggy Bank.

The 5 tips to save

  1. Make a list. Always have a pen and paper on hand or use a scrap utility that may already be on your mobile phone. Every time you think about something that you need for your apartment, write it down, even if you have not planned a trip to the store.
  1. Think twice. In fact, think more than twice when it comes to buying something new for your apartment. This small advice, along with article number 1, should be on all lists that are even paid remotely, as a set of tips to save money. If you are prone to impulsive buying, teach this mantra and repeat it often.
  1. Never be in a hurry. Acceleration makes waste, especially in this case. Choose a day when you have enough time before you even enter the store. So you can read labels, compare prices and compare. Shopping should be wonderful and relaxing, not stressful. And when you return home, you will be delighted with how smart you are as a buyer!
  1. Buy for cash. If you know about the money you spend, you know that paying cash is better in all respects than using a credit card. In fact, payment with plastic is the first way to get into the money pit, and you should never take a card unless you are in an emergency and are absolutely obliged to do so.
  1. Think for yourself. More and more people are discovering the magic of this. Painting walls, replacing lighting, replacing locks, installing wall paintings, even a complete floor-to-ceiling renovation and interior design were left to specialists in the past simply because the average person did not know how to do it.


Moving to your new apartment can turn into a nasty pit for money, but reasonable expenses and some money saving tips will make this house the economical home you have dreamed of.

By Abel