Ohmkar, an Indian film director and television host, created the dance reality programme Dance Ikon under his company Oak Entertainment. The reality TV programme is supported by Oak Entertainment as well as other Telugu production companies, including Geetha Arts, Sithara Entertainments, Sri Venkateswara Creations, SVCC, and Mythri Movie Makers. The Liger actors Vijay Devarakonda and Ananya Panday dance with the competitors in the show’s first episode.

You’ll be moved to tears by Vijay Deverakonda’s touching gesture for THIS Dance Ikon participant!

Telugu OTT platform aha has created a new reality series called Dance Ikon to find the most promising dancers from around the Telugu states. Ohmkar, a director and anchor, hosts the OAK Entertainments production. On September 11, the reality series’ first episode made its television debut on aha. The premiere episode featured appearances by Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday, stars of Liger.

A candidate named Raichur Anand, who essentially has nothing in life but his dancing abilities, really moved Vijay Deverakonda. His mother sells vegetables and is battling cancer, while his father drives cars. Anand’s parents wanted him to go to school and succeed in life, but his heart was always in dancing. He was often energizing the residents of his neighborhood with his lively dance skills.

Vijay Deverakonda tells Karan Johar why he won't reveal who he's dating |  Web Series - Hindustan Times

Ramya Krishnan is about to make her Telugu OTT debut on this show after Queen!

Telugu OTT platform aha, which previously attracted attention with its music reality show Indian Idol, has now turned its attention to a dance show called Dance Ikon, presented by well-known filmmaker and television host Ohmkar. The show’s debut episode, which featured the Liger duo Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Pandey, aired the weekend before. You couldn’t have anticipated the release of a second fascinating new feature to Dance Ikon.

The Baahubali actress Ramya Krishnan, who played Narasimha in the film, has been named as the new ambassador for the show by its makers. Dance Ikon will make her breakthrough into the Telugu digital arena after making her OTT debut with MX Player’s Queen in Tamil. Shekar Master, a well-known choreographer who also appeared in the pilot, is another intriguing member of her panel. Ramya Krishnan’s enthusiasm after hearing this news was understandable; it knew no bounds.

Ramya Krishnan expressed her immense happiness at having Dance Ikon serve as her first appearance as a judge on aha. She showered aha and Ohmkar with admiration for creating a dancing league that provides many fresh talents with a stage to prove themselves. After observing her in a variety of roles in films in several different languages, she is pleased that her admirers would now enjoy watching her in a different avatar on the weekends. She continued, “I’m going to approach this in a lighthearted manner and spot promising dancing capabilities.


Dance Ikon is a family program that you can watch with your family members every Sunday and Saturday on aha. If you have an aha subscription, you can watch Dance Ikon whenever you want.

By Abel