In a closed area, the average humidity varies from 30 to 49 percent. Everything below and above should make you feel uncomfortable. If the place is too wet, you should sweat a lot and most likely weaken the environment around you. It also leads to the formation of mold, which is quite harmful not only to the environment, but also to human health. Air drying and cooling are used to ensure normal operation of the ambient temperature.

The operation of the air conditioning is a mechanical surprise, which causes great surprise and astonishment when observing the air dehumidification process. Most air dehumidifier systems use a small fan that extracts all the moisture contained in the air on the cooled coil. When the air cools, then the humidity decreases. The water that is collected is drained through a pipeline. This water is not pure enough to drink, as it may be contaminated, but it is ideal for watering the plants instead of throwing them away. These air drying and cooling systems use silica gel as a desiccant material, since they have a great capacity to absorb moisture from the surrounding air.

If you are buying a dehumidifier for the home because the air in your home is choking, this article will show the most important facts about humidity, the dangers to your health and how to choose a dehumidifier that suits your needs.

What is high humidity?

Humidity, commonly known as relative humidity, is expressed as a percentage. It is assumed that a relative humidity of 30-50% is safe and reliable. Something about this accelerates the growth of microorganisms.

An air dehumidifier is known as a household containment device that removes excessive moisture in the air. Air dehumidifiers should be one of the devices that are important for any home.

Health problems with high humidity.

  1. Small insects, fleas and moths (in clothes) love to live in humid areas of their home
  2. Allergies, create discomfort in the nose and throat. 3. The walls of houses, wood and furniture can begin to deteriorate, disintegrate and cause complications.

Now that you are aware of the health risks, as well as the possible damage that excess water vapor can cause in your home, it is easy to invest in your first dehumidifier.

 You will find several primary forms of dehumidifiers:

  1. Heat pump dehumidifiers extract moisture on the coils that are close to freezing, this procedure allows the water vapor to condense and then be depleted.
  2. Chemical absorbent desiccants contain a desiccant, known as a desiccant, that absorbs moisture in the atmosphere.

Here are 3 highlights that you will see again and again in customer reviews that will help you discover the best of the worst:

  1. Noise level – silent or noisy.
  2. Convenience of drainage.
  3. Problems with damage and return.

There are many air conditioners on the market today

The problem is how to choose the best one for your needs. This is where the internet seems absolutely useful. You can find almost everything on the Internet, and finding a system to dehumidify the air and cooling will not be a problem at all. Just click with the mouse and you can take advantage of a wide variety of these products. The best part here is that you can get a list of different prices for these products, enjoying the comfort of your home. All you need is a computer with internet access. However, it is advisable to research a lot before choosing the best air dehumidifier of your choice.

So, how to find the best Luftentfeuchtungsgeraet Vergleich at the lowest price? It is better to find someone who knows everything about dehumidifiers and / or find a lot of reviews about the equipment.

By Abel