While buying a brand-new Mercedes Benz car is an exciting affair, once you buy the car of your choice, you have to religiously care for it. One of the most important tasks that adds up to your to-do list after you buy a Mercedes car is taking your car for regular servicing. Moreover, when you plan to get your car serviced in regular intervals, choosing the best service center is crucial. Here are some ways that will help you make sure you choose the right Mercedes service in Montclair.

See if the service center takes services premium cars

Servicing differs for standard cars and premium cars. Since Mercedes is a premium car, you would have to make sure that the service center is well-equipped to service a premium car. The parts, lubrication, and tools required to take care of these carefully engineered cars vary from that of standard cars. And if a service center doesn’t have what is needed, using the wrong equipment and materials can degrade your car more than making it work better.

Check expertise and experience

Yet another requirement to be able to service a premium car, like Mercedes Benz, is expertise. If the car service center has manpower that specializes in servicing premium cars, and specifically the brand of your car, it’s safe to say you can choose the service center. Besides this, it would also be good if you run a background check and see how much of an experience the service center has and for how long it has been in the business.


Many people think that if they buy a premium car, getting the car serviced would and should cost a fortune. While getting Mercedes service in Montclair would cost more than what you would expect while getting a regular car serviced, you can’t be fooled. To make sure you’re getting your car serviced for the right price, check around for prices. Call a few service centers, mention your car brand, model, and other specific details and see what price they quote. When you have an approximate idea of how much it should cost, you can get your car serviced at a fair price without being fooled.


If you know a friend or family member who owns a Mercedes, it’s but obvious that they would get their car regularly serviced. You can ask what service center they choose and how happy they are with the servicing. This makes it easier for you since you can drop your car off at the same service center and expect quality service.

If you keep these factors in mind while looking for a service center for your Mercedes, you would be able to find a good service center without fail. Choosing a service center for your Mercedes needs to be a careful process, since you would have to get your car serviced regularly. Sticking to a reliable service center for a long time would help you ensure your car stays in good shape.

By Abel