The Importance of Having the Antigen Rapid Test: When to Have It?

As the holiday season begins, a new wave of the Covid 19 pandemic is entering. People did not even get over the Omicron variant, and other variants are knocking at the door. The increasing rate of infection has made people confused regarding their holiday plans. They are stuck in a situation whether they must enjoy their holidays away from home or not. Every country is trying its best to reduce or stop the spreading, but due to not following the World Health Organization’s ordered practices, it is not stopping. Asides from this, it has become to test each person for the virus and give their reports on time. So people have started doing the antigen rapid test besides the PCR testing. Let’s read about this testing type in the following paragraphs.

When can you use the antigen rapid test?

If you have any Covid-19 symptoms, it doesn’t matter if you are vaccinated or not; you must get tested with the rapid test. The virus spreads efficiently, sometimes even without symptoms. So, the faster you get tested, the sooner you can take the required precautions and medications. Moreover, you can prevent others from getting infected by you. The rapid test also lets you know your body condition. Early testing is necessary because it gives you enough time to take the effective drugs and get well soon.

If you test negative but still feel sick, there is a possibility of getting a false report, do not take it otherwise. Only isolate yourself in a room, away from your family members and others. Contact your family doctor over the phone and discuss your symptoms. Go for another test and wait for the reports. If it comes positive, isolation is a must with effective medicines.

antigen rapid test

What if you don’t have a symptom?

If you got into contact with an infected person unknowingly and know it later, you must get yourself tested. Sometimes fully vaccinated also cannot resist you against the virus. But it will help you heal quickly. After knowing about the person infected, you can wait for a week and then get tested. However, it is only applicable to those who are totally vaccinated. Coronavirus takes many days to build up in your body. That’s the reason why it does not show up symptoms immediately. When a person is infectious for a week, the rapid test will surely come positive. It is the best time for the viruses to attack your respiratory tract, and thus they get caught in the rapid test.

So, it’s your responsibility whenever you feel sick or, you have even the mildest symptom, you must have a rapid test. You must not roam outside without wearing a mask and using hand gloves until the report arrives.

By Abel