The Ultimate Guide Women's Health Clinic Singapore

Those women who promptly asked for help will receive an honest prognosis for stabilization. If the pathology is running, matters need solid work. Within the absence of timely help, varied complications will develop, together with sterility, psychosis, and also the chronic diseases of the genital system. 

Prognosis and prevention 

Considering the preventive methods, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Regular gynecological examination
  2. Timely removal of inflammatory consequences in the pelvic organs.
  3. Treatment of infectious diseases.

The end of pregnancy also puts the woman’s health at risk; try to avoid it by choosing the right women’s health clinic singapore. 

Health Checkups 

Besides the testing for HIV and venereal diseases, there are also screening tests for cholesterol, diabetes, checking kidney, liver, and thyroid function, signs of disease and lack of substances,

The test can detect any issues related to hormonal health and fertility for women, which is important for couples planning to get offspring. “Phlebotomist specialists take a Huge Number of these tests at the women’s health clinic singapore.”

women's health clinic singapore

All about Menstrual Problem 

For most women, discomfort during the menstrual period is a common ailment. Some women endure the pain and unusual symptoms before the period easily, but some women for several days are completely unable to work and suffer menstruation; like a serious illness, it is treatable. So do not neglect the health, ignoring regular ailments severe pain.

What is dysmenorrhea? 

In gynecology, dysmenorrhea is not defined as a disease but a condition of a woman’s body that occurs during menstruation. Some specialists include this concept and severe painful sensations during this period, irregular periods, and abundant or poor discharge. It is customary to consider a wide range of symptoms manifested in this period by the endocrine, mental, and regenerative systems.


The major symptoms of this condition are the pain syndrome that accompanies a woman throughout menstruation. Its development is associated with the psycho-physiological orientation of the body’s response to existing painful irritations.

Experts note that this condition is most often diagnosed in women with a lean build, with vascular system diseases, prone to frequent dizziness, loss of consciousness.


This condition can develop along with several related provoking factors. The etiology of the reasons for the development of such a state provides an understanding of how to deal with it effectively.

 It can be associated with:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Pathology of the development of the reproductive organs.
  • Diseases of the inflammatory nature of the pelvic organs.
  • Using contraceptives intrauterine form.

How to treat? 

Treatment of dysmenorrhea should be comprehensive and timely. It can be assigned under medical supervision:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Paracetamol.

Diagnosis of dysmenorrhea: 

  • Clinical and anamnestic examination.
  • Transvaginal or transabdominal ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Treatment of dysmenorrhea has the following goals: 

  • Reduce pain.
  • Correction of the hormonal background.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases (if any).

Measures and prevention include: 

  • The correct mode of the day (lack of sleep and overwork is a direct path to the appearance of gynecological diseases).
  • A balanced diet (it is especially important to monitor adolescents’ nutrition; their diet should contain enough protein, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  • Physical activity, providing harmonious physical development of the girl and well-being for an adult woman.

In short, preventing dysmenorrhea is a healthy lifestyle and caring attitude of a woman to her intimate health.

By Abel