It’s always nice to stay ahead of the game. Look at some of the most successful business people in the world. One common quality most of them share is the ability to look past the present and have a vision for the future.

SEOs, atleast the good ones, try imbibing this quality. In a dynamic field like digital marketing, transformative changes are the norm. Every year sees some SEOs rise and others fall. Professionals who can and do end up at the top of the pile are those who see the writing on the wall before others do.

Every year, a new Google search update ends up sending many websites down the gutter. Look close enough and you’ll see that some SEOs are always able to survive and thrive in difficult conditions.

Some SEOs look to the future which is why they succeed where others fail.

Looking forward to a whole new year ahead, there is little doubt over the importance of understanding how changes in SEO might challenge executives. Go to any good digital marketing institute and you will find a concerted effort being made to teach students all the challenges SEOs face in the industry.

In this article, we try and understand the different SEO challenges to expect in 2020.

Technical SEO Impact to Drop

For many years, SEOs have been using technical SEO has a buzzword. In many ways, it has expanded the scope of SEO from being on and off-page.

In 2020 and the years after that, technical SEO could start losing its relevance.

Think about the major technical SEO factors. Website structure, accessibility, HTML build, URL structure, server speed, and so on, are slowly becoming binary in nature. In other words, websites are either optimized for technical SEO or they’re not. Since the distinction is simple, many SEOs simply have to make sure they abide by technical SEO guidelines.

Search Quality to Grow in Importance

Certain SEO guidelines such as E.A.T (Expertise, Authority, and Trust), webpage quality, and user satisfaction are slated to grow even more in importance.

EAT especially is important for maintaining the relevance of a website despite any changes arriving on the horizon such as search algorithm updates. If a website manages to remain within EAT guidelines, it cannot be shaken by any changes.

In 2020, if there is one thing SEOs should do is make their content more rounded to suit EAT guidelines.

Besides EAT, one can expect metrics like webpage quality and user satisfaction to grow as well. Webpage quality can be managed by writing quality content and layering the content with useful media such as images, videos, infographics, bullet points, and other forms of data presentation.

These additions can help improve the quality of a webpage.

User satisfaction can be achieved only if SEOs create content which matches the search intent of the users. Thus, search intent must a major deterministic factor while writing content for a website.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, this article covers the things SEOs can expect in the coming year.

About the Author – KanikaRamangoli is an educator in the field of digital marketing currently working at DelhiCourses, an institute known for its best digital marketing training in Delhi.

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